As the date of your MRI scan approaches, do not overthink about it. Just relax and keep practising.
On the day of your MRI scan, it might be best to avoid stimulant drinks such as tea and coffee. If you are unfamiliar with the MRI centre location, leave a bit early so that the journey doesn’t stress you out.
- Whatever disease you may be facing, the MRI scan is trying to help you as best it can.
- You are not alone. The MRI staff are very used to dealing with nervous patients and you are always in contact with them.
- The tunnel is open at both ends, well-lit and well-ventilated.
- You know of methods to keep your mind occupied.
I would be grateful for a favour from you. This website is quite new, so I need all the help to spread the word about it. It would be great if you could tell about this website ( ) to the medical professional who requested your MRI scan and also to the staff at the MRI centre. They can then share this website with their patients who are nervous about having an MRI. I do not have any budget for advertising this website so I rely completely on people like you to tell everyone! Thank you for your help.

I wish you all the best! May you have a “Happy MRI” experience!